And this is 2022...

While my commitment to Purpose learning and teaching kids about the globe and micro-finance have been present in my practice at CSB, I have not in 4 years found an entry point of which to “Do Kiva” (And I mean- BLOW IT UP - with an entire micro-lending business model experience). I made it a goal that this school year would be IT. And so, on a day that many educators around the country and world reentered buildings with apprehension, anxiety, and questions, I entered with Purpose.

Today I launched… what is microfinance? And tomorrow my ten 6th graders will begin the adventure that will teach and enforce much more than just “math”. It will answer their questions and confirm their thoughts from today’s Think, Puzzle, Explore Routine -

Yes - we will explore global economies!

Yes - we will help people that are less fortunate then us!

Yes - we will explore different needs all over the world!

Today was what I needed. Today is the start of 2022 in my classroom.